Best insurance for young drivers and my recommended companies

Best insurance for young drivers and my recommended companies
okay so you got your license or you have a child who just got a license you've got a new teenage drivers holy crap it's expensive okay so today in this video we're just gonna get 

right into it I'm gonna teach you how to get the lowest prices on insurance when you're either a teen or adding a team to your current policy so the current price if you're a teenager starting off completely new you 

bought a car you're gonna have your own insurance it's a year long policy the average cost for a teen driver on their own is anywhere from $2,200 on up it can be a little bit lower depending on the state 

but in most average across the u.s. you're looking for between 22 to 26 hundred dollars per year that sounds like a lot it is it is a lot of money but if you divide it let's just say it's an average of $2,400 that's about $200 a month 

the average for teenage crashes and this is why the insurance is so expensive is between ages fifteen and nineteen fifteen and nineteen out of the whole age of your life is four times more likely to get in the car accident than age 19 to 25 25 to 65 and then 65 it gets more risky or riskier 

they have more crashes essentially we need a 25 that's kind of the cutoff for your prices start going down when you hit 50 they go down a little bit more when you get to 65 they start creeping up and then 

older you get the more the you are the more so it's kind of in that sweet spot so if you have a teenager you're trying to add into your policy or if you're a teenager yourself let's just dig into the options that I'm going to go through and

 recommend a few companies so if you're a teenage driver or you're trying to insure your teenage drivers I'm gonna go through some of the tips that you're gonna need to get the best prices at the end of the video 

I'm going to show you my results when I searched and found the average cheapest company so I'm gonna list the top four companies and 

the reasons that they're really competitive with teen drivers as always if you get good information on this video don't forget to smash the like button

 if you guys want to know more about insurance you're just interested you're lovin it sexy it's awesome or you just want to get tips and learn how to save money on your insurance

 which Dow do these article should be a lot if you don't know insurance by the end of my article I am sorry I failed you it's the all that but if you do like it subscribe starting off the things that are gonna help you with the prices is if you're a student so if you are a student you can get discounts for being a good student

 that's a beat on average or a 3.0 or higher on your last grade report if you can show proof of that because they will ask then that's gonna qualify you for a good student discount

 it's not a huge discount you're probably gonna get three to five percent off but it helps every little piece that we add into here is going to add up to get you the best rates on top of that not just being a good student if you're a college student 

and you're going under your parents policy then what's gonna happen if your parents can apply for what's called an away at school the requirement for that and everywhere 

I've seen is a hundred miles or more so you have to live within a hundred miles then the last for the zip code and the address to the school and they'll 

calculate okay is it a hundred miles or more if it is great you're gonna get a pretty large discount now what a lot of companies will ask you is if the vehicle is kept on campus so it is less of a discount if you're gonna keep 

the vehicle with you versus if you're gonna leave a vehicle or you don't have a vehicle to bring with you and it's at home so there's less chances of you coming home you're gonna be there on vacations and 

Thanksgivings and all that stuff and then you're gonna drive the vehicle so they're gonna lower the risk a lot because you're not close to the vehicle as often as you normally are like I said before it be aware of age so 

between 15 and 19 that first age range that's the riskiest piece so you just kind of just get older grow up right I don't know

 19 to 25 it does go down a little bit you're gonna notice about a 10% drop by the time you hit 25 you're gonna notice twenty to forty percent less it depends on the company or with that's why 

I say the range but you're going to notice that much less expensive when you get 25 and then so on and so forth the number one way to save the most money and this is for parents and ask your parents is to go on their policy

 everybody thinks it's cheaper to get you a cheap car do PL PD which is personal liability and property damage that's what most states 90% of the states require you to

 carry state minimums right get the cheapest think possible credit car drive it it's gonna be cheaper that's not the case you can buy a decent car do PL PD as well have good 

coverages so if you hurt someone you have good bodily injury limit and that will be cheaper 99% of the time then you going off on your own because you got to remember 

when you're under your parents you've got your parents they're the primary so when the policy comes into force they're looking at only your parents and they've got 30 40 

years of driving history right that's crediting them as long as they have good driving records so you've got your parents here and they've got a good driving history good 

record good credit they've built it and then you're just a driver underneath so that risk isn't as high versus your the primary you're 19 years old you're on your car that's that's 

gonna be the cheapest absolutely the best way to do it if you guys don't know what I just mentioned about bodily injury limits don't forget to read my most popular article  understanding insurance 101 it's about 20 minutes long I'm sorry it's detailed enjoy the vehicle choice is also important so if you're 

gonna buy an older vehicle thinking okay it's gonna be cheaper because I'm going to get just a beater car right in most cases sure if you're gonna drive a 95 Toyota Corolla 

that's going to be a lot less expensive but when you start getting into to the stuff you want to drive so you want to drive a 2014 15 18 19 whatever right you want a newer vehicle make sure that it has all the safety 

features yeah most of the cars nowadays are gonna have them so 2010 on up odds are they've got

 anti-lock brakes they've got anti-theft device where these disables the car someone tries to steal it they've got seatbelts that lock the locking

 seatbelts they usually don't make them wear their motorized anymore but that used to be a discount but you've got all those extra features brake assist things like that

 actually lower your rates you have no control over that so when your agent plugs in your VIN number it's going to automatically pull that information the only thing that 

I would recommend is when you're talking to them if you have a security system let them know if it's one that tracks the car that's even better

 so like a lot of BMWs and a lot of Chevy's and GM vehicles have OnStar and so you can do that where if someone stole it you can call them up in the book oh yeah it's sitting right

 over here down in the corner call the police get your car back right so this really isn't a discount this actually cost you more money but I recommend it one thing to think about a lot of companies offer what's called 

accident forgiveness and it is worth it if you think you're the perfect driver great skip it move on if you're just learning to drive I highly recommend you get accident 

forgiveness for at least your first accident that way if you do have something happen you won't be just slammed with prices because think about this you're adding a 

hundred to two hundred dollars a month just because you're eaten or younger or 25 or younger right and so what's happening is your prices are high you had one ticket or 

one accident you're gonna double that price you're gonna pay $400 a month if you're lucky because of that because the risk is just huge if you have one the chances of having a second one go up and the fact that you're 

young it just adds up so if at all possible get accident forgiveness on the policy it is gonna cost you a little bit more money but it's worth it just in case and when you hit 25 if 

you feel it's something you'd want to remove then by all means do it so the top four companies that you should start looking at because

 I don't know what state you live in I can't tell you which company is best feel free to ask and I can give you some pointers too but what I would recommend is finding a local agent or an agent that's licensed in your 

state they don't have to be local anymore that can quote multiple companies like I work with a company that does 17 different companies that's a big reach I usually sell the policy whenever 

I quote someone because it's it's a huge portion of the market even if I put you Company A and their rates go up or you have a ticket a lot of times companies 

C D or E will also give you a good price so you have options if things happen now the companies here I'm not necessarily recommending because 

I don't know what state you're in but this is the average across the u.s. I did a little bit of research and I found out who averaged the best prices for teen drivers now

 I'm not necessarily recommending them mainly because I'm not digging into their details I can give you the thoughts of what I know especially since I actually use two of these companies with where 

I currently work take that for what you will these are the companies that popped up the most with giving the better prices Triple A 

I personally came up with that myself mainly because the best part about Triple A is they base your driving off of mileage so if you're a teen you're not going to drive a lot of miles maybe five six thousand miles a 

year you're gonna get a lower price also they take the best credit for states that they can use credit they take the best one in the house I've quoted customers that have had mom and dad had like a 600 credit or Insurance 

score they call it and son even though they didn't have any credit for some reason the credit bureau says they have 700 just because they have no debt they have a little bit of credit and it gave him

 a better rate so by son having a better credit score it actually bumped up the savings so that they didn't have to pay more also the last piece is because they they offer what's 

called a triple-a drive and that's one of those monitoring system you don't actually plug it in your car it's based off it's based off your cell phone so what happens is if you're 

gonna drive you can download an app and they will give you a discount based on your actual driving records kind of like the route insurance company that 

I've reviewed back here they do it based off of driving history more than they do other factors next up is Geico they just generally have really good rates the general prices of Geico have always been

 competitive so if you're in Florida you're in Texas you're in you know all those main states I personally when I was licensed there and competing with them because they were

 competitor always had trouble beating their prices when there were teen drivers so they're typically gonna give you a pretty decent rate especially if you're a government employee that's what Geico stands for government employee insurance company I'm 99% sure that's right

 they give military discounts and it's big so if you're part of the military part of the the government or anything like that you're naturally going to already get a better rate but if you were adding 

a team driver to it it's gonna be less than the standard company that doesn't offer those discounts and then other things that they do which almost every company does is you get discounts for airbags and anti-lock brakes and safety features and good students and good credit and all that stuff

 if you do want to learn some more discounts go ahead and check out my top 15 discounts video there it's pretty in-depth it's fairly short but it goes over all the best discounts that you guys can apply for Erie Insurance there was two reasons 

I came up with this one is because they do offer accident forgiveness there are a lot of other companies that do but they were one of them that popped up a lot when I was searching for young drivers best prices right so Erie Insurance came back with fairly well but also 

I think the biggest reason is because when you're going under your parents policy this is kind of a caveat so if you're not going into your parents policy they're probably not 

gonna be the best fit but what they do is they give an actual discount when mom and dad are insured with them and they're adding son or daughter so they're actually saying 

okay we don't want to lose mom and dad because odds are it's cheaper so they're gonna shift over to another company so we're just gonna give them a pretty good 

discount and just assume and just track how well their kids do and if the prices go up or down it's gonna be based on how well they can keep that family household as one unit 

and when I say discount in certain states it's only 5% but in a majority it goes as high as 20% off so adding son daughter teenager or whatever under mom and dad's policy it's a potentially large discount and the last company is progressive so 

I actually use this as a company between Triple A and progressives those guys really good for these situations not always the cheapest but they do come in very very competitive 

I'd say the majority of the time part of it is because they want to grow they understand the way the industry is they understand the majority is going to be Millennials so they're focused on that type of cuts that type of client the reason 

I'm saying this is their profile is lower so when you look at risk they don't have as much of a risk they've got a larger pool for everybody to be in so they're able to keep the rates a little bit lower but also they do give 

all those standard discounts away at school a good student if you have an education they're given a discount for that in the states that allow that the last reason is exclusions so if you're having trouble getting insurance for your son or daughter or you don't want to be part of mom and dad's insurance 

you're gonna find the issue you're gonna run into and and this is a majority of the cutlet customers that I get so out of 17 companies I would say at least 10 of them won't let you exclude your family members they there in the house they have access to the car 

whether you like it or not they could take the keys and drive right there they have to think worst case scenario because this has happened to them they see it every day a lot of companies make you add the entire 

household not necessarily as primary drivers so it doesn't affect you as much as you have to have it but it does hurt you so you have to pay an extra fee for that well in progressive you can exclude people 

completely so if your son and you don't want mom and dad to have access or be rated on your policy at all because mom and dad have bad driving records or vice versa if your mom and dad and you just can't find 

insurance for your daughter and she just wants to go get her own that's great but I don't want my policy to go up because she's in the house so I can exclude her and say 

I don't want them to be they're never gonna drive my car keep in mind you have to understand that if any reason

 emergency not emergency your daughter drives your car she used to completely excluded she has an accident none of your coverages cover her whatsoever your car's not covered you're guaranteeing that they will

 drive the vehicle anyways guys I hope you've got good advice from this don't forget to subscribe if you want to get more tips and videos and make insurance awesome stuff from me thumbs up 

if you liked it definitely share it if you know anyone that could get good advice out of this otherwise I will see you guys in the next one


Punam Sharma

Hi i am Punam sharma i am a blogger, digital creater and youtuber, works in website development, Videos creation, Article writing and more

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