15 Insurance discounts you need to know

15 Insurance discounts you need to know

are you sure you're getting all the discounts that you want on your insurance do you deserve more is there something you're missing you just know they're charging you

 too much if you want to see most - all of the discounts that you can possibly get grab pen and paper and get ready because we're gonna go through it I'm just gonna jump 

right into it you've got tons of discounts you can save up to 50% in your car insurance just through discounts a lot and these companies want to give them to you they're

 out there it's just a matter of them know that you qualify for them not all companies are really focused on giving you all the discounts it's not that they're trying to hide 

them from you it's just they don't think of them at the time or they've done a lot of other things in you know through different throughout their day they've done different calls and they didn't think of that one discount or those three discounts that you 

were supposed to get I am guilty of it myself I've done quotes for people and I get near the end and like well what about if I took a safe driver course like oh

 I completely forgot about that first off if you're married that is a discount being married is a lower risk than being single or divorced or anything like that being a 

student if you're under the age of 25 then you can get a discount for being a student if you're under 25 then you may be qualified for discount as well now that's typically 

called the good student discount that means you have either a 3.0 or better which is a beyond average you can prove that because they are gonna require your last grade 

report so make sure that you have the document to back that up homeowners insurance if you're a homeowner just the fact that you're a homeowner I'm not talking about the combination the multi-policy discount 

I'm talking about home ownership just being a homeowner is a lower risk than being someone that rents if you drive lower mileage on your car and when 

I say low mileage that's anything below 5,000 so 5,000 or below 5,000 miles is considered a low mileage driver the less you drive the less risk there is on the road so make sure that your insurance person knows hey 

I drive this many miles and then they'll be able to determine how much that risk is not all companies use mileage as far as a rating factor so you may get some that don't you 

know don't particularly care to know that part of it which is fine I mean it's okay to mention it to them so that least they know about it the security system in your car if you have an alarm system there's two 

versions there is the standard alarm system I believe they call it pass it if I'm not mistaken but that is if you have an alarm someone breaks in the car they open the door the alarm goes off you don't sirens the other one

 is LoJack it's like a vehicle recovery system the easiest way to think of if you have it is if it's like an on star or a blue type shield and it's something that you typically pay a service for basically if somebody steals your

 car then they're able to track the vehicle and find it and then recover it it's gonna give you a pretty good discount if you have a LoJack system your typical vehicles would be any 

GM that has Eon starts usually in the in the rearview mirror or any vehicle usually a lot of BMWs have the LoJack system not really a lot of Toyotas or Honda's unless you purchased it separately being a safe driver 

that's another discount it cleans free renewal they call that if you have been driving and you don't have enough in the experience period which is typically three to five years depending on the state that you live in so if 

you have no accidents no tickets no violations things like that you're considered a safe driver that will give you a pretty large discount with insurance one of the largest 

discounts is called the multi car discount if you have two cars or more on a policy then that will give you a very large discount now a lot of people think if

 I have three cars that will give me a bigger discount it doesn't matter typically once you add that second car adding the third d

Punam Sharma

Hi i am Punam sharma i am a blogger, digital creater and youtuber, works in website development, Videos creation, Article writing and more

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