American Family’s insurance company usa Review

American Family’s insurance company usa Review

hey guys today we're gonna talk aboutAmerican Family Insurance and whetherit's worth it to do insurance with themI've got some pretty good stuff to talkabout and then we're gonna go 

throughtheir website and I'll show you the easeof use of it also give you my recommendation onwhether a good company or not I guessthis is kind of a 

search to find outwhat's the best company for you and andwhere's the best place to put your moneyas far as your insurance goes now Ipersonally actually have been went 

withthem before as a kid it was actually myparents that were insured with them andso I have tiny tiny bit of experiencewith them directly you know as a kid youjust 

don't care I just remember here thename seeing the paperwork and my parentskind of loved him for a little while Ithink they're only with him for a yearor so so I think the 

prices kind of gotout of hand before we get into it I'mjust gonna tell you a little bit aboutme so I am a licensed insurance agent Icurrently insure 21 States now I'm 

thenlicensed in like 45 or more States withmy last company that I worked for and Ijust have a lot of knowledge I've beendoing this almost 10 years so this iskind of like a 

give back I guess I Ihave to the industry is to teach you howto be smarter about your insurance soyou can save money and get the bestcoverage that you need please ignore 

mymy dog in the background if you hear thelittle jingling it's her it's her collaralright so let's go ahead and jump rightinto this so I'm right on their mainpage 

American Family Insurance and it'sactually a really easy site to gothrough and I think this is partiallywhy you know apart from the companyitself fairly why they're kind ofaccessible online just because they 

arelisted as an ease to use company sothey're easy to get online you can clickon what type of products you want so ifyou want auto home life renters businessfarm umbrella they do a lot of differentthings

the main focus I think is gonna be theauto in the home I'm assuming that's thebiggest portion of the business and thenwith a lot of the younger generation notbuying houses

I think renters is a big thing thatbeing said let's just click on the autoand let's just take a quick look at whatthe auto has to offer there's reallynothing I mean we literally can stop thevideo there if that's what 

you'relooking for there a basic companythere's nothing super special about themthey're pretty much they go over

everything else everybody covers cardimage liability premiums full-coveragewhat is it they have a cool little factssection so you can just answer questionshow do I get a quote oh go here or callhere you know what's

 full-coveragewhat's a deductible so kind of a nicething to see it's got some nice likelaid out stuff if you are interested inthose there is a video that I recentlydid that would give you 

some advice I'lltry to link that up here and then theyjust dive into the biggest thing whichis these testing the drive system sodrive safer save more with your driveit's 

basically a tracking device prettymuch everyone's doing this nowadaysbecause they just they have to find away that the younger generation can getinto these middle line to 

higher linecompanies because the parents are withthem so the problem that we're seeingnow is mom and dad is what everybodywants right we want the 50 year old andthe in the 60 year old 

once you kind ofget into the 7075 plus it kind of goesthe opposite where they're just lookinganywhere from 35 to about 65 is theperfect range the issue is that agerange 

has kids and they had a lot ofkids and so like 25% of the populationis 15 or old or younger in the u.s. sothat's becoming a very large impact andwhen you add that 16 year old on to yourpolicy makes a huge difference

especially when you're with thesecompanies that are looking for familyinsurance right their idea family wasn'tthree kids driving it was mom and dadmaybe a kid usually didn't

 drive and ifthe kid was 25 or older they were happybecause the risk was low well now it'schanging because the risk is very highso you're gonna see a lot of this stuffyou're gonna see these test 

drivingdevices and everything everywhere TripleA does it Safeco does it Liberty Mutualdoes it Allstate does it everybodyliterally every company I've seen 

offersthis there's even a route insurance nowthat only does that first and then testdrives yet and then that's agrees ordisagrees your your interval with themwell there's a lot of different 

thingsgoing on and that's really the reasonyou're seeing a big emphasis on thisthis whole testing your driving systemgive you a discount it's because 

addingthat driver is a huge increase and theydon't want to lose your business

just the honesty of it that's greatgoing back to the main page here Ididn't see anything super great about itit's not like citizens insurance whereyou can add you know 

endorsementsPlatinum Insurance where you can get therental car the loss of use covered ifyou're in an accident and you can getall these extra benefits 

I don't see theTriple A version where you can get somesort of membership and you can actuallyget better towing and stuff like that sothere's nothing specific that stood outto me that would entice me to choosethem over another company that wascheaper

that being said going back and digginginto the home insurance this is where Ithink they're really lost the edge onother companies that are competitive isbecause they really don't talk about anyof the benefits of why they're better Isee lots of information

 it looks likethey're really really focused on gettingyou guys the information which isawesome I like that but then there's nobenefit

besides information if you want to gothere and just see some data and someinformation on buying home insurance ofwhat you need to get home insurance whatyou need to get a mortgage

what's your checklist for this that'sreally cool stuff to look at on theirwebsite but at the end of the day theydon't like insert their add value inhere so they're saying okay well here'sthe checklist here's what you need 

theydon't say that what you'd need and theydon't give you recommendations also I'min Michigan and it doesn't look likethey insure Michigan so 

I tried to dotheir checklist of determining my homevalue and it doesn't work so they onlydo it in the States the rent that's finebut if you're gonna be kind of focusedon that it would be nice to have therest of that that 

information but if yougo through it it's pretty basic they dopoint to getting the quote that's whatevery website does there's nothingspecial about it not to put them down Idon't see any major problems with it Ijust 

don't see anything that's greatabout it they really talk about coverages they really talk about discounts they have this little

calculator here where you can go in hereand put your zip code in and when I plugmine in it just takes me to a page thatsays get a quote and then 

I click get aquote and it's just going to take me toa place I can fill out a quote it wouldbe nicer if I could just go here and itwould

tell me the information without makingme talk to somebody they do a reallygood job as far as outlining theirdiscount they go over the discounts likeI mentioned in my ultimate guide to homeinsurance

there's popular discounts the bundle andsave smart home discount age of the homeobviously the newer it is the betternewer roof stuff like that home purchasediscount savvy habits and save they dodo a discount that really makes 

sensebecause they do offer a loyalty discountand that's fairly rare with companiesnowadays where the longer you've beenwith them they give you a small

 discountfor they don't really mention what thediscount is but it's just nice that theyhave it going back in they talk aboutsmart home what makes it energy

efficient water eficient i'll that stuffat the end of the day you either have itor you don't you're not gonna like buythe items because it cost more to havethe stuff than it does to get 

thediscount on your insurance they go overthe deductibles that's pretty cool it'skind of going into their facts sectionwhere they talk about different thingslower deductibles

 higher deductibles andi go over that in the in the ultimateguide to home insurance where it doesmake sense to have a large deductible ifyou need to make the payment 

right I'drather have you have a larger deductiblethan have lower coverage that's just agiven what I'll do is I'll put in thecomments below

a lot of the discounts that they talkabout and if I see any benefits thatthey have over someone else I'm gonnaput that in description below that wayyou guys can see 

the main differencesbetween them I also want to dig into thereviews so here's something that reallycaught my eyes so if we go to Google andwe look these guys up right 

we type inAmerican Family Insurance and we go toreview so American Family Insurancereviews there's kind of a lie going onhere and you guys need to be aware ofthis

 so the first thing that pops up isnerd wallet and I don't want to say nerdwell it's wrong but they're wrong theyonly have four reviews so be verycareful whenever you see

 a companythey're only showing four reviews andwhat they're saying is they go all overthis whole thing and they go about itthe the different terms and all that andthey're JD

 power but you really gottadig further into that here's all thestates that it looks like they say theyare ensuring if you dig into it so let'sfor example they talk about how

JD power rated them really well in 2018but if you really look into JD Powerwhich will actually bring up here in amoment they're talking about rentersinsurance because they were the top oneof the top companies for renters

insurance but not auto and not home soyou got to be very specific on how someof these companies are leading you tobelieve I'm not saying the reviews arewrong because I'm not going to dig intotheir data but it doesn't seem like it'scorrect if you scroll down a little 

bitfurther you're gonna get a lot ofConsumer Affairs they say best and worstof American family here's an 86 reviewso I've actually pulled those up herethis one was the nerd wallet this one isYelp 

I personally don't really go byYelp because they're just people thatare nearby they're either angry althoughthis one has 26 reviews it looks likethey only gave them like one and a halfstars but once again out of 

thesereviews there's a lot of complaints nowwith insurance you got to take a littlebit of a grain assault because thesepeople go online to complain withinsurance that's just a common thing sogetting a 5 star is nearly 

impossibleif you have 4 stars that's incredible soanything below the 3 and a half starmark now it's starting to question sowhat I did is I went on to a couple ofthese I started looking at them and Istarted sorting them for example thisone here this wallet hub gave them a 4.0out of 107 reviews that's 

incredibleright that's great the problem is if youorganize them by the most recent onesthere's a lot of one star reviewsrecently so let's just give you anexample so this one was October 4th onestar this one was 

September 2nd one starthis one was September 2nd one star May10th one star they got a really good onehere March 8th so not only did they giveus great rates we have a Mustang

convertible you know it can be spendythey have great personal service and Iabsolutely love our agent the companyreally knows how to make a customer feelvalue great that's more of a review onthe agent so then March 1st 2019

one-star january of nineteen one startso if you're looking at these recentones that kind of scares me a little bitand that's what I found on just aboutall

of these websites is they are gettingreally low reviews lately which is kindof confusing because I don't thinkthey've changed anything I didn't seeanything online where they said thatthey revamped anything but it looks likeas far as the auto and the home claimsgo they're being very particular 

onpaying claims I do before I end thevideo want to point out one thing that Idid notice I don't want to make it soundlike they're a bad company at all justto show you kind of the 

beta JD powerratings and so this is the rankings thatthey have if we organize it by overallsatisfaction they are actually up in atop group here so they're under Safecoand 

triple-a and Amica and all theseguys so there are a lot better accordingto JD powers then then Geico and StateFarm and Hartford and all these guys sothey are doing well in that 

aspect theonly thing that you got to be careful isJD Power does not rate claims like Isaid what we saw online there are theissue of the claims but that can affectoverall 

satisfaction with that beingsaid I don't know where the data iscoming from from JD Power whetherthey're getting that from the companyand the companies doing that and

tweaking it or if it's something thatthey're going out and getting their ownreviews that way you guys are awareyou're mindful of it that's they're notnecessarily listed as a bad companythey're just not anything that 

seemsspectacular who is American family theright one for you

I don't know I don't know I I personallyI wish I could do a quote they won't letme do a Michigan one but I don't seeanything specific that stands outthey're just an average 

company at theend of the day when you compare them tothe rest if they give me a good deal andI'm the type of guy that doesn't reallyfile claims then yeah that might be 

theroute to go but if you're looking forsomeone that's not going to nitpickthings as much it doesn't look likethey're the best route that was one ofthe largest complaints I saw was notonly people were complaining 

about notbeing at fault in accident so they hadpeople that hit them they weren't atfault there was already admitted faultand they still had trouble getting theclaims weeks 

later which is crazy shouldbe like dates and then also a few ofthem were about roofs so like neighborshad roofs that were damaged just as muchas theirs were and they're complainingthat they were learned

covering the roof or matching theshingles things like that those areadditional coverages that you're hiringcompanies like you've got triple-a andcitizens and Safeco and those 

guys thoseare companies that I've worked with andactually my company works with them andthey're really good about doing that andthat's what separates some of thosehiring companies from the rest isthey're willing to 

pay those extraclaims because they one want thatsatisfied customer they want you for 30years and then two they want to makesure that they're doing everything thatthey can to cover you 

because that'sreally the point of it a lot of peoplethink they're trying to scam you andback out but in all honesty you are theone that has to choose the coverage isso if you don't pick the right ones thenyou're not 

going to get the rightcoverage in a lot of these cases I thinkwhat happened was the agent didn't offermatching shingles or they didn't offerfull replacement cost on the roof sothey're not getting that full value ofthe 

insurance they may have done it justto save some money but you've really gotto know what you're looking for if youguys are interested in learning moreabout the 

different coverages you needto have for home insurance I'm gonna puta link to that video in here as well andthen also if you're interested ingetting a quote with multiple 

companiesso I actually work with a company thathas 17 different carriers in our statewe insured 21 different states so I'llput a link to that below otherwise ifyou found value out of it thumbs it upshare with anyone that you know I said Idon't see anything majorly 

wrong withthe company but I don't see anythingthat really tweaks me either way ifyou're with them definitely have acomment below let me know am I wrong ami right have you had a really goodexperience with 

them is there ourcoverage that you notice that they areoffering you that no one else does thatwould be great to share otherwise I willsee you

Punam Sharma

Hi i am Punam sharma i am a blogger, digital creater and youtuber, works in website development, Videos creation, Article writing and more

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